Is there such a thing as posting too much?
You may have been led to believe that the key to increasing your following or engagements on social media is posting as much as possible - this is NOT true!
Posting too much may actually be having a negative impact on the growth of your business or social media pages. So, you might be wondering “What do I do? I’m either posting too much or not enough” - to answer this question, consistency and quality is KEY.

Rather than posting multiple times a day, and then not posting for a few days, it is better to post one quality post as consistently as possible. And make that post count! Make sure you are creating meaningful and engaging content that you believe will have an impact on your viewers. No matter what your target audience is and what kind of content you create, prioritize making your content to have a long lasting impact on those who come across it.
Likes and comments are losing their meaning in the content creation industry. What is really important for the growth of your account or success of your business is quality engagements which come from saves and shares! So instead of focusing on trying to create an abundance of content, focus on making your posts educational or entertaining - give your followers a reason to want to share or save it!
That being said, even if you are consistent with posting high quality content, but you are only posting once a week, or a couple of times a month, that won’t cut it either. There is no magic number of exactly how much you should be posting, as it’s all about finding a perfect balance between bombarding your followers with low quality posts and creating fantastic, highly educational or high quality content only once in a while. See what works with your specific brand, or even put a poll on your page to find out directly from your followers what they prefer.

However, what we do know for sure, is that we’re here to debunk the myth that you should be posting as much as possible. Less is sometimes more.
If you want to learn more about social media content creation and how to figure out what works with your specific brand, reach out to us for a free design consultation or book a 30 min social media audit with us at